Best Movies

Best Movies of 2005

  1. Kingdom of Heaven [action, adventure]
  2. Sin City [fantasy, action, thriller]
  3. Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith [action, SF]
  4. Lord of War [crime, drama, action, thriller]
  5. War of the Worlds [action, SF]
  6. The Island [adventure, SF, thriller]
  7. Green Street Hooligans [crime, sport]
  8. Constantine [horror]
  9. Fantastic Four [action, SF]
  10. The Legend of Zorro [action]
  11. Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children [action]
  12. Lords of Dogtown [sport, drama]
  13. Serenity [action, SF, thriller]
  14. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire [family, fantasy]
  15. The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe [family, fantasy]
  16. Batman Begins [action, SF, thriller]
  17. Transporter 2 [action]
  18. Saw II [horror]
  19. Just Friends [romance]
  20. The Myth [action]
  21. The Longest Yard [sport, comedy]
  22. Hostel [horror, thriller]
  23. Goal! The Dream Begins [sport]
  24. xXx: State of the Union [action]
  25. Four Brothers [drama, action]
  26. Sahara [adventure, thriller]
  27. Doom [horror, SF]
  28. Alone in the Dark [horror, action]
  29. Zathura: A Space Adventure [family, SF]
  30. BloodRayne [action, horror]