Best Movies

Best Movies of 2003

  1. The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King [adventure, fantasy]
  2. The Matrix Revolutions [SF, action]
  3. The Matrix Reloaded [SF, action]
  4. X-man 2:X2 [action, SF]
  5. Tears of the Sun [war, thriller]
  6. Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl [action, comedy, fantasy]
  7. Underworld [action, horror, thriller]
  8. Mystic River [drama, thriller]
  9. The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen [fantasy]
  10. Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World [action, adventure]
  11. Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines [action, SF, thriller]
  12. Paycheck [action, SF, thriller]
  13. The Medallion [action]
  14. Daredevil [action, fantasy, thriller]
  15. Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life [action, adventure, thriller]
  16. Once Upon a Time in Mexico [action]
  17. 2 Fast 2 Furious [action, thriller]
  18. Bad Boys II [action]
  19. The Last Samurai [drama, war]
  20. Hulk [SF]
  21. Final Destination 2 [horror, thriller]
  22. Freddy vs. Jason [horror, thriller]
  23. Absolon [action, SF]
  24. Kill Bill: Vol. 1 [action, thriller]
  25. Just Married [comedy]
  26. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre [horror, thriller]
  27. Gothika [mystery, thriller]
  28. The Hunted [horror]
  29. Shanghai Knights [comedy]
  30. Kangaroo Jack [comedy]
  31. Taxi 3 [action]
  32. The School of Rock [music]