Best Movies

Best Movies of 2004

  1. National Treasure [adventure, action]
  2. Butterfly Effect [drama, mystery]
  3. AVP: Alien vs. Predator [SF, horror]
  4. EuroTrip [comedy]
  5. The Punisher [action]
  6. Blade: Trinity [action, horror]
  7. Alexander [action, adventure, war]
  8. The Chronicles of Riddick [action, SF, thriller]
  9. Hellboy [action, SF]
  10. Downfall [war]
  11. Meet the Fockers [comedy]
  12. The Day After Tomorrow [adventure, SF, thriller]
  13. The Passion of the Christ [drama]
  14. Resident Evil: Apocalypse [action, horror, SF]
  15. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind [romance, SF]
  16. The Notebook [romance]
  17. Collateral [action, thriller]
  18. Around the World in 80 Days [comedy, adventure]
  19. Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow [fantasy, action, thriller]
  20. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban [family, fantasy]
  21. The Bourne Supremacy [action, thriller]
  22. I, Robot [action, SF, thriller]
  23. Saw [horror]
  24. Ocean's Twelve [action]
  25. Kill Bill: Vol. 2 [action, thriller]
  26. White Chicks [comedy]
  27. The Girl Next Door [comedy, romance]
  28. The Prince and Me [romance]
  29. Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle [comedy]
  30. The Aviator [drama, adventure]
  31. Million Dollar Baby [sport]
  32. Team America: World Police [comedy]
  33. The Machinist [mystery, thriller]
  34. Mean Girls [comedy]
  35. Friday Night Lights [sport]